S9x07: "Tell Me Where It Hurts"by Juliana

Original Air Date: November 14, 2002

As the show opens, an ultrasound image fills the screen.

"There it is," says Kerry, as the baby moves and kicks. "I can see his heartbeat."

We hear the sounds of wind and train tracks. Who is the woman, and why is Kerry giving her a sonogram?

"You can tell it's a boy?" the woman questions. "Because I can't."

"No, it's just a... figure of speech." The camera pulls back to reveal it is KERRY who is having the sonogram. She is leaned forward in the bed, staring ahead at her baby on the screen in amazement. She seems almost disconnected with herself, at a loss for words. "It's a pronoun."

"Are you hoping for a boy?" the technician asks.

An ethereal halo of light seems to surround Kerry. "Not particularly. I mean, a boy would be nice, but I... don't care." Amazement is written all over her face, and her voice grows excited. "I don't even really want to know."

The image of the sonogram is back, driving the idea home. Our perception of our beloved Dr. Weaver has now been changed forever in a mere 30 seconds.

"As long as it's healthy, right?" The technician muses. Kerry nods, acknowledging the fact, which marks Kerry's official status as proud mother-to-be. Kerry is mesmerized by the image on the screen. Her face glows. Her angelic smile says it all. 


After a harrowing day of tragedy in the ER, Susan feels she is to blame for lives lost. Standing in the dark ambulance bay looking disappointed, she berates herself to her boss. "Kerry, I killed three patients today. It would have been four if I'd have stayed with that kid."

The good Dr. Weaver is there to put things in perspective. "No, you were unable to save three patients. You didn't kill them. I mean, I've seen you save twice that many without even breaking a sweat."

When Susan raises her head to acknowledge Kerry's comfort, we notice a figure in the distance approaching the scene, blurry but very familiar, in a blue shirt and black coat, dark curls, and a hot body.

Kerry gives Susan some very sound advice. "Go home. Have a drink, maybe two. Tomorrow's another day."

When she spots Sandy, her eyes light up and her mouth just hints at a flirtatious smile. As Sandy comes into focus, Kerry covers her noticeable distraction with a joke for Susan. "But, if you lose one more patient, you're fired."

"Thanks," Susan replies.

Sandy looks both thoughtful and anxious to see her girlfriend. She gives Susan a quick smile and turns her attention to Kerry.

"Hey..." Kerry draws out, a casual and sexy catch in her voice.

Sandy responds with an irresistible smile, open arms, and soft-spoken tenderness. "Hello.”

Kerry is delighted to see her Intimate Firefighter Friend. “How are you?" Kerry asks softly.

“Good.” Kerry meets Sandy halfway for a loving hug that lingers into a tight squeeze.

"Good." We know at once that Kerry and Sandy are no longer trying each other out.

We see them from the other side, pulling back to drink in the sight of each other. Sandy touches the back of Kerry's head affectionately before dropping it to her shoulder. Their smiles are giddy, the mood, infectious. Susan is smiling too, as she watches them rather intently. It almost seems she wishes she had what they shared.

Sandy steers Kerry away for a little sidebar banter over who should break the news. Their words and their movements fall perfectly into sync. Their magnetic attraction draws Kerry closer to Sandy’s side, and *us all* just a little closer to the screen.

"Did you?" Sandy urges.


"Are you going to?" The excitement of the shared secret is beginning to bubble over.

"No, you can." Kerry says shyly.

"No, you should." Sandy insists. Kerry hesitates, and Sandy nods with encouragement, ever supportive of Kerry's growing acceptance of herself among others. “Go on.”

They turn back to Susan. Sandy squeezes Kerry's arm right before she makes the announcement. "Susan, um, we're going to have a baby."

"What?" Susan has made an automatic assumption and directs her wide-eyed surprise to Sandy. "You're pregnant?"

"No!" Sandy gestures emphatically with her arms, laughing at that notion; she's definitely not the one.

"Uh, I am." Kerry glows. Her proud IFF beams.

Susan's jaw drops. It takes her seconds to regain her speech. "Oh my God, Kerry!" She's shaking her head in disbelief. "Congratulations!"

Kerry is the one to step toward Susan for a hug. "Thank you. Thank you so much." By the look on her face, she is happy to have at least one trusted friend.


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