October 2, 2002 

The Pendant

One of the hottest topics of Sandynista discussion during the summer had to do with a piece of jewelry that showed up around Kerry's neck in Episode 19.

This seemed to send us off on a wild goose chase -- scouring screen caps from “Brothers and Sisters”, speculating as to what this might mean. The general consensus was that it might be a St. Florian medal that is traditionally worn by firefighters and their spouses. Then, we got a spoiler that confirmed someone was wearing a pendant in the next episode, "The Letter".

Powder Skier:
Do you all really think it is a pendant for and from Sandy or just coincidence that she had that pendant on in this week's episode?

With the end of Season 8 rapidly approaching, we were enjoying the effect that Sandy was having on our favorite ER doc. The pendant continued to show up around Kerry's neck through the end of the season. It was seen in the flash-forward at the end of "The Letter" (which we assume to be in the heat of the summer) and in plain view during "Lockdown". So the idea that TPTB would include this small symbol as a sign that Weaver and her IFF were indeed still together at the end of the season was something we discussed at length. I'll let the posters speak for themselves:

In "The Letter", it was obvious that, at the end, THAT was also set in the summer and either LI or TPTB had made sure that the pendant was around Kerry's neck, signaling Sandy's continued presence in her life.

Did anyone catch that Kerry was wearing a medallion on a long gold chain in this last episode? Looks like it might be a Firefighter's Insignia necklace, or a Mizpah Pendant. Both are worn by firefighters’ loved ones, especially spouses, for luck and remembrance.

I really like the idea of the firefighter's medal, and I think it is totally possible that is what it is!!!! Sandy is a sweetheart -- a loyal one to boot!!

I don't know who first mentioned that the wives and girlfriends often wear medals. But the idea that Sandy would give Kerry such a symbol of commitment is so rich and powerful that we can't let it be.

And we didn't just let it be... I think we were all hoping that this one small detail was the clue that Kerry and Sandy would still be together at the beginning of Season 9. Speculation picked up when it was revealed that Episode 1 of the new season would take place soon after "Lockdown". The first positive sign that Sandy and Kerry were still together was the promo trailer broadcast in early September -- it showed not only a brief image of Weaver and Lopez in the rain, but also that Kerry still had the pendant around her neck.

I'm sure all of the Sandynistas were glued to their TVs last Thursday night, watching for the pendant. We still don't know if it is indeed a St. Florian medal… but we did see it there around Kerry's neck in the premiere episode "Chaos Theory". Will it be there this week? I would like to believe that the writers are thoughtful enough to include such small details.

-Mangababe (Editor)


Notes From The Firehouse Archives

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